
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
39. Antihistamine Black Magic
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Hello Hello! Our heroes arise from the ashes yet again to discuss a miriad of topics including: chest injuries, Taylor Swift, Steven He, white dude podcasts, childfree, raycons, antihystamines, Russia and Ukraine, China, Macross, Pluto, Star Trek, Deetlit in Wonder Labrynth, Psycho Pass, GTA Vice City and San Andreas, Pimps, Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time, Simon and Garfunkle and many more! Don't forget to check out the Patreon if you'd like to support the channel and podcast, plus you get a free extra podcast every week! Also use code BPOP for 10-30% off Gfuel!

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
38. Almond Wet AKA: Mike Dies On Many Hills
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Our heroes return with yet another grand mouth making words adventure! This episode Mike and Tyler discuss a variety of stupid and weird topics including: Grey Poupon, the weather, cold tasting drinks, Gfuel, women's lounge pants, Van Gogh, Russia is New Jersey, Taiwan, China's gun and balls, Psycho Pass, Persona 5 Royal, Grand Theft Audio San Andreas, and Mike's entire goddamn Switch library.

Monday Jan 10, 2022
37. The P00P Dollar
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Our heroes return to the auditory stage with a load of old and new topics for your eardrums including: Mickey Mouse, imagination, Donkey Kong Country, Star Fox Check, Fake Lotto Tickets, Poop Dollars, Senior Pranks, boobytraps, Logan Paul Gameboy Colors, Deleting tweets, Psycho Pass, Steins;Gate, I Am A Hero, Macross, shoji kawamori, Ted Baker, Man purses, shoe fasion, bloodborne, Dead or Alive Xtreme Volleyball and oh so much more. Use code BPOP to get 10-30% off Gfuel and support the channel/podcast. We appreciate it!

Monday Jan 03, 2022
36. Cat Puke Super Soaker: Extended Holiday Edition
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
The year end and beginning popcast in which our heroes discuss too much shit to put in the show notes, but some highlights include, anime and game of the year! enjoy!

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
35. Mike Gets Cancelled By Bronies
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
If you wanna support women's rights, donate to the Center for Reproductive Rights: https://bit.ly/3GlRjsq
Mike and Tyler are back yet again to complain about how fucked the world is! This episode they discuss a ton of different topics including: women's reproductive rights, school shootings, Rittenhouse case, the unfairness of the judicial system, castle doctrine, joker shootings, gun laws, 2nd amendment, Japan knifings, Behind The Bastards, Bronies, Stone Ocean, Idaten Deities, Gantz, Arcane, Metroid Dread, Monster Hunter Rise, Smart TVs, snowboarding, and Rider's Republic.

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
34.Family Matters AKA: Karoshi
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
In which our heroes discuss, the right way to woo, spin doctors, blues traveler, jimmy eat world, gigi allen, third eye blind, AOL instant messenger, AIM, the good ole days, radio, punk, ska, burnout, american history, karoshi, family, bonsai pop, hellmouth, shonenber, Blood C, Yu-Gi-Oh, sub vs dub, shaman king, gantz, fruit of evolution, The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat, Cotton 100%, Cotton Panorama, ESP Ra.De. PSI, pikmin bloom, and much more.
please share my aunt's gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-shannon-her-girls-on-her-road-to-recovery
G-fuel code: BPOP for 10-30% off
Bokksu code: BONSAI10 for 10% off

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
33. The RIGHT way to Blow Up an Instapot
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
In which our heroes discuss: Pumpkin spice latte, Mike and his Japanese history, WWII pacific front, Japan maybe not being good all the time, the Yamato, Napalm and it's practical uses, bologna on cars, small town life, Canadian bacon, pigs cuts in general, would you get a gun? blowing up insta pots for science and protection from the Norwegians, crazy bow and arrow dutch guy, "influencer training", MONSTER, Gantz, Mononoke, Metroid, Monkey ball banana blitz, Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton Reboot, and Demon's tilt pinball
google bonsai pop
g-fuel code: BPOP

Monday Oct 11, 2021
32. Bonsai Pop In The Closet
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Our Heroes are back to discuss R Kelly being imprisoned, what defines a closet, the disney tier, Fall time, Mike get's a cat, NEW SEGMENT, Star Wars, Star Wars Visions, Beyond Ghibli, The big Anitube Collaboration, Kaze Talks, how to youtube, Mononoke, Hellmouth, how to not be a dick, oil spill, sponsors, RAID, Mike writes an email and gives up $5,000, Microtransactions, tiktok, MORE Star Wars and the expanded universe, Charles Manson, Monster, METROID METROID METROID DREAD (no spoilers)
gfuel code: bpop
patreon dot com slash bonsaipop

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Our Heroes return to your regularly scheduled mayhem after a good number of things that got in the way or recording over the last month. However, this is an extra long podcast to try and start to make it up to you. Mike and Tyler talk about a good many things including natural selection, abortions, Texas, government surveillance, ivermectin, strip clubs, Dragon Maid, Seven Deadly Sins, Star Wars: Visions, Squid Game, Idaten Dieties the last Anitube Anthology, Sleeping Dogs, Nioh, Metroid Fusion and oh so much more. Enjoy listening, and if you'd like to support the channel remember you can use code BPOP for 10-30% off Gfuel order and code Bonsai10 for 10% off your next Bokksu subscription!

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
30. My Worlds on Fire, How ’Bout Yours?
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
In which our heroes discuss Bob Saget, Furries, Brad Pitts nice penis, how the Titanic is appropriate sex ed, Tyler reveals what was in his cup, social media goes full circle back to books, Tyler admits his butthole needs multiple tampons, stitches scares the children, when face tattoos go too far, Post Malone is rich, VaatiVidya, Patreon updates, siberia burns, in fact a lot of things burn, Afghanistan, Japan Floods, Haiti, the old people are finally worried, Mike and Tyler Fix the Olympics, get a vaccine, wear a mask, don't be like Tennessee, Sydney Watson MUST GO, The duke of death and his maid, ranma 1/2, buck naked in another world, new manga releases, fist of the north star hardcover, Shaman King, Beastars Manga, Aegon of Astoria, Darksouls, rocket league, bloodborne, deep rock galactic, dead by daylight, splatoon, Axiom Verge 2, Fallout 76, Wasteland, Baldur's Gate dark alliance on switch, new battle royale: Naraka Bladepoint, Caitlin Janner runs for governor of California. and much more. ENJOY!
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g-fuel code 10% off BPOP